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Family Events

Live Nativity

Join us for a celebration of the birth of Christ at our Guided Hope "Live Nativity.”  The narration will begin at 2:00 pm at the ranch. Volunteers of all ages will act out the gospel story of Christ's birth! CLICK HERE FOR FREE TICKETS. Thank you for your consideration of a donation to Guided Hope so we may continue to offer all of our programs free of charge to children, teens, adults, and families throughout the year.  We are grateful! Visit our website pages for more information on our Guest Roundups, volunteering, prayer needs, sponsorship, and support opportunities.  We are a ranch filled with God's creation and the hope we have in Jesus!   Guests who are touched by grief, military service, foster care, adoption, medical hardships, as well as anyone who wants to reconnect, grow, laugh, learn, and serve all benefit from our Roundup experiences of chores, livestock education, riding, and fun! Guided Hope is a registered 501(c)3 charitable organization. Additional Questions? Contact Kaarin Scoma at 303-717-8372 or [email protected]. […]