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Supplies needed for the Hope Trail

A variety of supplies are needed for our Hope Trail build, from railroad ties to ropes, plants to poles!  Click on the link below for a list.  Let us know if you have other ideas!

By |February 11th, 2017|Hope Trail, Volunteer|Comments Off on Supplies needed for the Hope Trail
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Hope Trail!

We are excited to share a preview of our new Hope Trail!  A slideshow has been created of our plans.  Click the Hope Trail link below to see more.

We need you!  Join us in serving our community by volunteering your time and/or supplies to complete this special feature for our Guided Hope guests for many years to come!

Click below to preview our plans 🙂


FYI….We have scheduled Roundups year round in 2017!  Check out our calendar for dates!

By |February 11th, 2017|Hope Trail, Volunteer|Comments Off on Hope Trail!
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Living Nativity

Join us at Guided Hope this Sunday, December 11th, at 3:00 p.m. for our Living Nativity…celebrating the birth of Christ with our ark of animals!

3:00 p.m.  (We would love to have you participate in the Christmas story with us!  Come at 2:00 if you would like to have a part as a Wise Man, Shepherd, or Angel –  no speaking required for any parts.  We have lots of costumes ready for all sizes!)

What to bring:  Friends and family.  Free of charge and open to the public.  No RSVP needed.  Please bring some cookies to share for our fellowship by the fire afterwards.  Enjoy the privilege of giving by bringing a donation item for our local House of Neighborly Services (list below).

We will sing Christmas carols throughout the reading.  Let me know if you would like to lead in this area!


1 Caroling leader

2 Greeters/Parking

2 Adult livestock assistants

2 Adults to help set up/manage the hot chocolate and cookies table

Kids and adults to join in



By |December 8th, 2016|Live Nativity|Comments Off on Living Nativity
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Merry Christmas! 2016 Highlights!

We are thankful for an amazing year at Guided Hope!

In 2016, over 300 Roundup and Ranch Hand opportunities were shared with new and returning guests! This summer, we added a new Junior Roundup program. Numerous children worked with wonderful, caring Wrangler volunteers on chores and riding skills. Some came for a time of refreshment and service, while others were in the midst of difficult challenges and saw an opportunity for hope and encouragement. One beautiful mom shared, “I happened to just stumble on this amazing place by the grace of God. This was a beautiful time for my children and I….Thank you Guided Hope for giving us a place to find sanctuary through hard times, thank you for loving us.” We hope they can return soon!
Serving is a vital part of our program. Numerous “Ranch Hands” volunteer their time to muck stalls, stack hay, host at events, clean pens, and much more! Families of all ages, Girl Scouts, Eagle Scouts, youth groups, […]

By |December 2nd, 2016|Hope Trail, Live Nativity, Our Farm Animals, Roundups, Volunteer|Comments Off on Merry Christmas! 2016 Highlights!

Fall Fun on October 2nd!

Join us on October 2nd for our annual Fall Fun!

4:00 – 5:30 p.m. Open Barns. Enjoy our ark of animals and Country-style games! Lead line horse rides, grooming llamas, holding bunnies, wheelbarrow races, and more 🙂

5:30 p.m. Come and Get it! Chili Cook-off and Pie Extravaganza. We’re combining the food highlights of the last two years’ fall events with a Chili Cook-off AND Pie contests 🙂 Bring your favorite of either or a side dish to share. Yum!

We are looking forward to sharing wonderful stories and pictures from our Roundups and Ranch Hand activities!  Guests and volunteers will be on-site to share their experiences and explain how you can get involved in our exciting fall/winter plans and upcoming “Hope Trail” project! We are grateful for continued prayers, volunteer time, wish list items, and financial support.

Free to the public. Bring your friends! All ages welcome!

Please RSVP by Wednesday, September 28th to [email protected]. Let us know what you’re planning to bring!  If […]

By |September 16th, 2016|Our Farm Animals, Roundups, Volunteer|Comments Off on Fall Fun on October 2nd!
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Hope on the Range!

We are blessed to share that our local newspaper, the Berthoud Surveyor, featured two articles about Guided Hope on last week’s front page!  We look forward to welcoming new guests and volunteers.  Click on the titles below to read the articles! (Photo by Katie Harris, Berthoud Surveyor)

Hope on the range

Eagle Scout


By |July 15th, 2016|Roundups, Volunteer|Comments Off on Hope on the Range!
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Gardens, Goats, Eagle Scouts and Events!

Wow!  What a busy, blessed June we have had so far.   This week we were incredibly grateful for help from our volunteers.

* Our garden is in!  Creative use of those livestock panels from our green thumb experts 🙂

*  Meanwhile, our back pasture crew cleaned pens and the tack room.  Thank you, middle schoolers and parents!

*  Felicity had twins last night!  Our last kidding of the season.  One doeling and one buckling.  Love our floppy-eared Nubians.

*  We received our benches from Aaron!  Congratulations on completing your final Eagle Scout project!  These innovative benches/picnic tables will see daily use for years to come.   Thank you!

*  We’re prepping for tomorrow’s Hoe Down!  Join us from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. if you can!

As we continue to serve children and families in our summer Roundups, we are grateful for your support.  Thank you!

By |June 17th, 2016|Volunteer|Comments Off on Gardens, Goats, Eagle Scouts and Events!
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June Roundups have begun!

A blessed start to June! We loved having this sweet family out for a Roundup. We are always humbled by the hard work of our smallest Cowgirls and Cowboys during chore time. They are eager to help and care for our animals and inspire us all to continue to serve on the ranch and beyond! We all have something to give, no matter our age. Many have shared with us over the years how God gives them hope in their present circumstances when they care for others and his creation.

By |June 3rd, 2016|Roundups|Comments Off on June Roundups have begun!
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Thank you, “Keepers of the Faith” families for serving!

Scout is such a good sport with the kids! Hard to decide between painting horses and holding baby goats 🙂  We are grateful to the “Keepers of the Faith” families for serving at Guided Hope! Mucking stalls, weeding our entry path, cleaning pens, and more! Of course, we had to have some fun, too 🙂 Pictures of wheelbarrow races, egg and spoon and more to come.


By |June 3rd, 2016|Roundups, Volunteer|Comments Off on Thank you, “Keepers of the Faith” families for serving!