Join us at Guided Hope this Sunday, December 11th, at 3:00 p.m. for our Living Nativity…celebrating the birth of Christ with our ark of animals!
3:00 p.m. (We would love to have you participate in the Christmas story with us! Come at 2:00 if you would like to have a part as a Wise Man, Shepherd, or Angel – no speaking required for any parts. We have lots of costumes ready for all sizes!)
What to bring: Friends and family. Free of charge and open to the public. No RSVP needed. Please bring some cookies to share for our fellowship by the fire afterwards. Enjoy the privilege of giving by bringing a donation item for our local House of Neighborly Services (list below).
We will sing Christmas carols throughout the reading. Let me know if you would like to lead in this area!
1 Caroling leader
2 Greeters/Parking
2 Adult livestock assistants
2 Adults to help set up/manage the hot chocolate and cookies table
Kids and adults to join in
Questions? Email Kaarin at [email protected] or call 303-898-5567
We will be collecting for our local House of Neighborly Service. Suggestions:
Essential Food Items: canned vegetables, canned or dry beans, canned fruit, soup, tuna/salmon, peanut butter, rice, pasta, cereal, mac & cheese, and ramen/instant sou
Eat-and-go foods: small bottles of juice & other drinks, granola bars, power bars, pudding cups, and individual fruit snacks, and individual serving size cereal
Clothing: please donate clean clothing that may be distributed in the current season as storage space is limited
Children’s clothing: clothing and shoes for children are always a need- pjs, socks and underwear, and shoes (snow boots are needed in winter)
Toiletries: shampoo, conditioner, lotion, toilet paper, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorants, soap, kleenex, razors, feminine products, denture products, and bandaids
Baby items such as: diapers (especially larger sizes) and pull-ups/training pants, wipes, food & formula (especially milk-based formulas such as Enfamil), and baby shampoo
Note: HNS cannot distribute home canned or homemade foods.