IMG_2363Guided Hope has many opportunities to serve in 2017!

How can you help?  

1)  From April 1st – May 28th, we will be building our Hope Trail!

We have been blessed with a generous donation for supplies and repurposed materials.  Now, we need you!  It is our hope to make this a community service project that will benefit our Guided Hope guests for years to come.  Our goal date for completion is May 28th, with our grand opening scheduled for June 10th!  More information about the Hope Trail plans may be found on our website blog.  Click here to scroll through the slideshow.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWe need 1-2 men/older teens to serve alongside Guy for a morning, afternoon, or full day, to complete a number of “stations” on the trail.  For some of the projects, there is an option to build at your own property and bring the completed project t
o us to install.  Handymen, carpenters, welders, landscapers, and willing hands are welcome.  We are also in need of equipment to dig several deep post holes.   Parents, grandparents, and children are needed for gardening, painting, spring clean-up and ranch chores!

Please click here or e

nter the website address below to sign up.



2)  Hospitality and Barn Volunteers are needed for April 30th, from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.  
We are having our Open Ranch Day and Butterscotch’s birthday celebration event from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.  Reply to this email if you’re available to volunteer!


3)  Looking for an opportIMG_0005unity to serve this summer?  

We are in need of Wranglers for our Roundups!  Click here for more information.


Feel free to pass along our information to anyone interested.  Thank you!