Where Hope is Shared

Using farm chores, livestock education, country fun, and the love of Jesus to mentor children, strengthen families, share hope, and inspire service.

Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.”

- Psalm 25:4-5

What We Believe

Guided Hope is a faith-based organization. Though the ranch is not associated with any particular denomination, the basis of our belief rises from Judeo-Christian values.

It is our greatest desire to serve God by the demonstration of our faith through action. The founders and board of directors believe in a Sovereign God and the saving grace of His Son, Jesus Christ.

Faith on the ranch is demonstrated through “living example” to those we work with. It is our highest honor to serve children and families of all backgrounds with the same loving grace that has so freely been given to us.

Group of people holding hands praying in a circle outdoors, in a rural setting with a house and lawn chairs visible in the background.

Upcoming events.

Our events at Guided Hope are always free!

For our regularly occurring programs click here.

Children holding baby goats on a farm with a woman in a cowboy hat in the background.

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