Visit Us Today! Call (303) 717-8372|[email protected]

Time to put up Hay!

The horses need hay!  We need help putting up hay today, Monday, August 13th, from 2-5pm.  Stay for pizza afterwards! Join us for an hour or several.  All ages of Ranch Hands welcome.  Jeans, long sleeves, tennis shoes or boots, and gloves recommended.  (We have some available as well.)  Please text Kaarin at 303-898-5567 to let her know you are coming, in case weather changes.

If you can’t make it to stack hay, but would like to help our wonderful horse herd, financial donations to our hay budget are needed!  Thank you!

God Bless!

The Guided Hope Team

By |August 8th, 2018|Volunteer|Comments Off on Time to put up Hay!
  • Jr. Roundup
  • Jr. Roundup
  • Jr. Roundup
  • Jr. Roundup

News from the Ranch & ways to get involved this Fall!

Summer at the Ranch
We have had such a fun time with all of our guests that have come out so far this summer! We have enjoyed connecting with so many wonderful kids and families! We are excited  to continue with our Jr. and Family Roundups later in August through October (as weather allows). See the calendar here to sign up for a Roundup this Fall.

Boulder County Fair Opportunities
We are busy gearing up for the Boulder County Fair that runs through the first half of August. This is a packed time for us as we have lots of our critters at the Fair, many of which are representing Guided Hope. Come find us, August 4th and 5th from 1-5pm in Barn B, in the SW corner, where you will find some of our animals from the farm that would love a visit!

Come see the Working Ranch Horse Show (8/3 5:30pm Indoor Arena), Western Horse Show (8/4 12:00pm Indoor Arena) and […]

By |August 1st, 2018|Ranch on the Road, Roundups, Volunteer|Comments Off on News from the Ranch & ways to get involved this Fall!

News From the Ranch June Edition

Guided Hope crew at the Berthoud Day Parade

The baby goats were a hit at the parade!

Kids having fun with chores at a Roundup!

Summer at the Ranch

Summer is in full swing at the Ranch and Roundups are happening every week! Families can come out to the Ranch for a Roundup, where we share HOPE and ENCOURAGEMENT and have FUN. Visit our website to apply for a Roundup Experience!

Guided Hope was represented at the Berthoud Day Parade on June 2 where the baby goats were the crowd favorite!

We welcomed two new minis last month, Bella and Bonita! These two cuties are favorites for the kids and we look forward to using them in the future for cart rides as they are excellent drivers.

Chicks have arrived! The pullets (female chickens) have feathered out and are getting bigger by the day!

Our dairy goat herd has grown to 13! 6 baby doelings and 2 bucklings arrived this spring. We also introduced Boer/meat goats to […]

By |August 1st, 2018|Uncategorized|Comments Off on News From the Ranch June Edition

Sunday’s Paper!

Today’s Longmont Times-Call shares a story about Guided Hope!

Join us on Saturday, April 28th, for our 5th Anniversary Celebration!

With Guided Hope, Berthoud family shares farm to help families heal

Free work/play program is celebrating its fifth anniversary

By Pam MellskogFor the Times-Call
POSTED:   04/07/2018 04:55:47 PM MDT | UPDATED:   ABOUT 14 HOURS AGO

From left: Kira Scoma, 14, swings while her sister Jessika Scoma, 11, plays on the haystack inside the stable at Guided Hope farm in Berthoud on Thursday. (Matthew Jonas / Staff Photographer)

More information

For more information about Guided Hope, visit

Fifth anniversary celebration

What: Guided Hope’s fifth anniversary celebration and “friendraiser” fundraiser featuring a silent auction and dessert auction, western BBQ buffet, animal ambassadors and children’s program

When: 5 to 8 p.m. Saturday, April 28

Where: Calvary Church, 2101 Gay St., Longmont

Suggested donation: $15, adults and teens; $7, children ages 4-7; and free for children 3 and younger

More information: Call 303-717-8372 or email [email protected]

She calls mucking out stalls and disassembling a pig […]

By |April 8th, 2018|Our Farm Animals, Ranch on the Road, Roundups, Volunteer|Comments Off on Sunday’s Paper!

April 28th Celebration!

Tickets are available now!  By mail or online at


Saturday, April 28, 2018

Western BBQ Buffet
Animal Ambassadors
Children’s Program
Silent Auction
Dessert Auction

Where: Calvary Church, 2101 Gay Street, Longmont. Time: 5:00 p.m. Animals & Silent Auction.

Dinner served at 6:00 p.m., followed by program.

Western Attire, Welcome!

Thank you for blessing Guided Hope with your prayers, volunteering, and financial support! Feel free to invite friends!

Are you available to help with this event?  We would appreciate additional volunteers for our children’s program & meal service. Silent Auction items, desserts, & live auction items are also needed. Thank you!

RSVP preferred by April 18th.  (Limited tickets available after that date.) Thanks!

We hope to see you there!

By |March 25th, 2018|Volunteer|Comments Off on April 28th Celebration!

April 28th! Save the Date!

Tickets available now!

Request by email at [email protected] or online at

Celebrate Guided Hope’s five year anniversary!  In 2013, we opened our barns to the community.  Since then, hundreds of children and families have been blessed by the ranch.  Dedicated volunteers have faithfully served and supported our work.  We’re excited to share past highlights and future plans with you!  Join us for our first “friend-raiser” and help us raise financial support for our Roundup programs!  Subscribe on our website to receive upcoming information about registering for the event.  We hope to see you there!

By |January 29th, 2018|Roundups|Comments Off on April 28th! Save the Date!

Service opportunities!

We hope you enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends!  We were blessed with scrumptious food and relaxing fellowship.

Now…it’s on to water lines and hay!  We are excited to share that we are putting in water lines for the animals!  After six years of running hoses from the house, we are digging trenches and running hydrants.  YAY!  Strong backs welcome next Friday and Saturday, December 1-2, to dig and set up our hydrants and waterers.

The horses need hay!  We need help putting up an additional 100 bales of hay this weekend.  Are you available on Friday or Saturday, November 24-25?  Join us for an hour or two.  All ages of Ranch Hands welcome.  Jeans, long sleeves, tennis shoes or boots, and gloves recommended.  (We have some available as well.)

Please let us know you’re coming. Call or text Kaarin at 303-898-5567.

If you’re shopping for Christmas, let us know if you’re interested in a Guided Hope t-shirt ($10) or hat ($15)!

If you can’t make it […]

By |November 24th, 2017|Volunteer|Comments Off on Service opportunities!
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Living Nativity on December 10

Join us on Sunday, December 10th, to celebrate the birth of Jesus with our barnyard friends!  Everyone is welcome at our annual Living Nativity.

Kids and adults are welcome to play a part.  Bring your own costume, or borrow some of our pieces.  Adult volunteers for costumes, beverages, parking, animals, and information desk are also needed!  If you have costume pieces or extra fabric to donate, please let us know.

Arrive by 2:00 p.m. if you would like to have a role in the story.  No speaking parts or rehearsals required.  It will be narrated and you will be guided through your part.

Story and worship will begin at 2:30 p.m.  Stay for hot chocolate and fellowship with friends and animals.

Free of charge.   We will be collecting items for the House of Neighborly Service.  Click here for a list of needed supplies.

We love animals, but kindly ask that you keep yours at home for the day 🙂

Questions?  Call Kaarin at 303-898-5567 or email [email protected].

By |November 9th, 2017|Live Nativity, Our Farm Animals|Comments Off on Living Nativity on December 10
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Group Publishing Youth Care Award!

We are excited to share that we have been blessed to receive the 2017 Group Publishing Youth Care Award!  This $1000 gift supports the opportunity for us to create pathways using Repurposed Materials between barns.  This will make Guided Hope more accessible to anyone needing more solid footing, walking canes, or wheelchair accessibility to enjoy our animals and family time together.  If you would like to volunteer to help with this project in the spring, please contact Kaarin Scoma at [email protected] or 303-898-5567.  Thank you, Group Publishing!

(Pictured are Thom Schlutz, President and Founder of Group Publishing, Joani Schultz, Chief Creative Officer and Founder of Group Publishing, alongside Andrea Sutton, Guided Hope Board Member, and Brooke Danner, who is assisting us with our Roundup programs. )

By |November 9th, 2017|Volunteer|Comments Off on Group Publishing Youth Care Award!