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Group Publishing Youth Care Award!

We are excited to share that we have been blessed to receive the 2017 Group Publishing Youth Care Award!  This $1000 gift supports the opportunity for us to create pathways using Repurposed Materials between barns.  This will make Guided Hope more accessible to anyone needing more solid footing, walking canes, or wheelchair accessibility to enjoy our animals and family time together.  If you would like to volunteer to help with this project in the spring, please contact Kaarin Scoma at [email protected] or 303-898-5567.  Thank you, Group Publishing!

(Pictured are Thom Schlutz, President and Founder of Group Publishing, Joani Schultz, Chief Creative Officer and Founder of Group Publishing, alongside Andrea Sutton, Guided Hope Board Member, and Brooke Danner, who is assisting us with our Roundup programs. )

By |November 9th, 2017|Volunteer|Comments Off on Group Publishing Youth Care Award!

Board of Director Member Needed

Guided Hope has been blessed with five wonderful, committed board members, some of whom have been with us since our inception in 2012!  With the assistance of Ken Schuetz of Aligned Influence, we are fortunate to have a strong governing policy by which board responsibilities are clearly defined.   We are seeking a new board candidate who is interested in “Directing, Protecting, and Enabling” our organization. Our Executive Director, Kaarin Scoma, will continue with her responsibilities to “Lead, Manage, and Accomplish,” the goals of the board.  Please contact Kaarin at 303-898-5567 or [email protected] for information or to recommend someone.    Thank you for prayerfully considering this important need!

By |November 9th, 2017|Board of Directors, Volunteer|Comments Off on Board of Director Member Needed

Time to put up hay!

Wow!  What an amazing summer we had!  We had hundreds of people join us as guests, ranch hands, and Wrangler volunteers!  Kids and parents alongside grandmas and grandpas of all ages got to work.  From spring arrivals of Nigerian Dwarf babies and fluffy chicks to the excitement of first time riders and returning families, we shared the chores and play together.  The Hope Trail is up and running!  Learning and fun await our guests with numerous interactive stations.  We look forward to sharing the season with you through pictures and stories in our upcoming newsletter.

The horses need hay!  We need help putting up 500 bales of hay this weekend.  Are you available on Monday, September 4th, at 1:00?  Join us for an hour or several.  All ages of Ranch Hands welcome.  Jeans, long sleeves, tennis shoes or boots, and gloves recommended.  (We have some available as well.)  Please let us know you’re coming. Call or text Kaarin at 303-898-5567.

If you can’t make it […]

By |September 1st, 2017|Volunteer|Comments Off on Time to put up hay!

Registration is Open!

Registration is open for our summer Roundups!  Our horses, barnyard friends, and volunteers are waiting for you!  The new Hope Trail will be open in June 🙂

Click here and apply now for your preferred dates.  We encourage all new and returning guests to sign up for at least three Roundups.

After your Roundups, if you wish you may return as a Ranch Hand volunteer. Or, if you prefer, you can jump straight to the Ranch Hand volunteer schedule weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, Wednesdays – Saturdays to help with ranch chores.

Wrangler volunteers are needed.  Help us serve our guests!

Share the flyer attached below with others that may be interested!

By |May 25th, 2017|Hope Trail, Roundups, Volunteer|Comments Off on Registration is Open!
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Open Ranch Day! April 30, 2-4PM

By |April 28th, 2017|Roundups, Volunteer|Comments Off on Open Ranch Day! April 30, 2-4PM

Serving at Guided Hope

Guided Hope has many opportunities to serve in 2017!
How can you help?  

1)  From April 1st – May 28th, we will be building our Hope Trail!

We have been blessed with a generous donation for supplies and repurposed materials.  Now, we need you!  It is our hope to make this a community service project that will benefit our Guided Hope guests for years to come.  Our goal date for completion is May 28th, with our grand opening scheduled for June 10th!  More information about the Hope Trail plans may be found on our website blog.  Click here to scroll through the slideshow.

We need 1-2 men/older teens to serve alongside Guy for a morning, afternoon, or full day, to complete a number of “stations” on the trail.  For some of the projects, there is an option to build at your own property and bring the completed project t
o us to install.  Handymen, carpenters, welders, landscapers, and willing hands are welcome.  We are also […]

By |March 25th, 2017|Hope Trail, Volunteer|Comments Off on Serving at Guided Hope

Supplies needed for the Hope Trail

A variety of supplies are needed for our Hope Trail build, from railroad ties to ropes, plants to poles!  Click on the link below for a list.  Let us know if you have other ideas!

By |February 11th, 2017|Hope Trail, Volunteer|Comments Off on Supplies needed for the Hope Trail
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Hope Trail!

We are excited to share a preview of our new Hope Trail!  A slideshow has been created of our plans.  Click the Hope Trail link below to see more.

We need you!  Join us in serving our community by volunteering your time and/or supplies to complete this special feature for our Guided Hope guests for many years to come!

Click below to preview our plans 🙂


FYI….We have scheduled Roundups year round in 2017!  Check out our calendar for dates!

By |February 11th, 2017|Hope Trail, Volunteer|Comments Off on Hope Trail!
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Merry Christmas! 2016 Highlights!

We are thankful for an amazing year at Guided Hope!

In 2016, over 300 Roundup and Ranch Hand opportunities were shared with new and returning guests! This summer, we added a new Junior Roundup program. Numerous children worked with wonderful, caring Wrangler volunteers on chores and riding skills. Some came for a time of refreshment and service, while others were in the midst of difficult challenges and saw an opportunity for hope and encouragement. One beautiful mom shared, “I happened to just stumble on this amazing place by the grace of God. This was a beautiful time for my children and I….Thank you Guided Hope for giving us a place to find sanctuary through hard times, thank you for loving us.” We hope they can return soon!
Serving is a vital part of our program. Numerous “Ranch Hands” volunteer their time to muck stalls, stack hay, host at events, clean pens, and much more! Families of all ages, Girl Scouts, Eagle Scouts, youth groups, […]

By |December 2nd, 2016|Hope Trail, Live Nativity, Our Farm Animals, Roundups, Volunteer|Comments Off on Merry Christmas! 2016 Highlights!